Our association
Une coopération citoyenne entre suisses et togolais
Civic cooperation between the Swiss and the Togolese
Mohamed Laban, a Swiss of Togolese origin and based in Châtonnaye/FR, was born and raised in Kpalimé (Togo). Regularly visiting Togo with his family, Mr. Laban and a group of Fribourg citizens wish to show solidarity with the population of his hometown, by supporting projects mainly in the field of education and literacy in Kpalimé.
With this in mind, a neighbourhood library was already created in October 2010 thanks to book donations collected in Switzerland. This library is now available to pupils at the public primary school (EPP) in Kpogandzi-Kpalimé and other schools.
Founded in 2011, the Association Construire un Avenir Togo-Suisse (ACATS) aims to make this desire for cooperation a reality. ACATS is a Swiss humanitarian aid association in Togo, specializing in supporting and building schools and educating children.

Committee members
Clément Rossi
President / Vuisternens-en-Ogoz

Sirina Laban
Secretary / Châtonnaye

Elsa Irzig
Treasurer / Bonnefontaine

Mohamed Laban
Member / Châtonnaye

Anna Papka
Member / Fribourg

About Us
Activity reports
"On the education of a
people depend
the destiny of a country."
Benjamin Disraeli
Les partenaires au Togo
The local committee in Togo
Mr. Mawuli Koffi TOGBE, Director of the Solidarity Medical-Social Center (CMS Solidarité) in Kpalimé, was the local coordinator in Togo of ACATS activities since the creation of our association. In this role, Mr. Togbe acted as a link between the ACATS committee in Switzerland and local partners in Togo.
As of January 1, 2024, the local committee was reconstituted with the following members and roles:
- President: AMOUZOUGAN A. Zatchi
- Secretary: AYITE K. Jacob Responsible for sports activities
- Advisor: TOGBE Mawuli Koffi, responsible for monitoring the works and achievements of ACATS
- Libraries Officer: AHIANOGBE Kodzo
- Literacy Officer: AZIABLAME Laurent
A long-standing collaboration
Since 2002, Mohamed Laban and his wife have regularly collaborated with Mr. Togbe for the development of CMS Solidarité, by collecting medical equipment and funds in Switzerland. These have notably enabled the purchase of hospital beds and laboratory equipment, as well as the payment of the care costs of patients without financial resources.