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Support ACATS
Your support, a valuable help!
…Become a member of the association (Register using the form below ):
Individual member: annual subscription CHF 50.-
Collective member (parish, institution, company, etc.): annual subscription CHF 100.-
Supporting Member (annual or monthly sponsorship)
…Make a donation by bank transfer:
Raiffeisen Moléson Bank, 1628 Vuadens
ACATS account
IBAN CH34 8080 8008 8585 7105 2
CCP 17-237-8 / Clearing 80129
By decision of October 28, 2011 of the cantonal tax service of Fribourg, the association Construire un avenir Togo-Suisse (ACATS) is exempt from tax. Donations made to it are tax deductible, in accordance with cantonal legislation. A donation certificate will be sent to donors in February of each year.
...Do you want to actively participate in the association's activities?
Would you like more information about ACATS?
Contact us !
A warm THANK YOU for your support!
Payment by Twint
Payment by Twint (only in Switzerland)You can also directly scan the attached QR code to make a payment by Twint. However, please use a bank transfer (IBAN above) if possible to avoid the commission charged by Twint.1. Scan the QR code with the TWINT App2. Enter the donation amount and validate

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