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Kpogadzi “I like to read” library

Until 2010, the students of the Kpogadzi school had neither books nor any school textbooks to familiarize themselves with reading or to enrich themselves with new knowledge outside the school setting. Thanks to the books collected in Switzerland, we set up a small library in October 2010, which is now available to the students and teachers of Kpogandzi, as well as to students from other schools in Kpalimé.

The library started with 300 books on loan: picture books for children who are beginning to read, easy reading, stories, documentaries, comics, etc. More than 2000 new books were sent from Switzerland in 2011 and now complete the assortment. The library is regularly supplemented with books either purchased locally in Togo or with books sent from Switzerland.

Evolution of the number of regular readers:

  • end of January 2011: 185 registered readers

  • end of May 2011: 234 regular readers registered from EPP Kpogandzi + around 200 readers from other schools

  • October 2011: 339 regular readers registered from EPP Kpogandzi + approximately 110 readers from other schools

  • November 2011: 402 regular readers registered from EPP Kpogandzi + approximately 110 readers from other schools

  • March 2012: 487 regular readers registered from EPP Kpogandzi + approximately 110 readers from other schools

The library is today a privileged learning tool for students and teachers in the Kpogadzi district. Regularly, the library manager organizes activities and games around reading with the teaching staff.

Book donations in Switzerland:

  • Intercommunal library “Aux 1001 livres” of Châtonnaye-Middes-Torny Primary school of Châtonnaye-Middes-Torny

  • Cormanon School Library, Villars-sur-Glâne Bookstore "Les bouquinistes", Payerne

  • Marly Grand Pré Primary School

  • Bulle Public and School Library

  • Biremont Library, Cousset

  • Bubble Boost.

  • ..and many private donors...

Thanks everyone!

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