Alhamdou is the neighboring district of Kpogadzi, about a kilometer away. The youth association of this neighborhood approached us in 2013 for the reconstruction of their school which has a decent building and another in a totally dilapidated state and unsuitable for teaching. This public primary school (EPP) welcomes about 300 students. Many parents prefer to send their children to schools in neighboring neighborhoods, such as the EPP Kpogandzi which now has better infrastructure. This new construction in the Zongo Alhamdou neighborhood will allow children to be educated in their own neighborhood in good conditions.
After a year and a half of planning and discussions, construction work on the four classrooms began in March 2015, led by the same general contractor that built the first ACATS-funded building for the Kpogandzi school. As with the construction of the Kpogandzi school, the population was mobilized to provide sand, gravel and labor.
The building cost CHF 34,600 (21,820,000 FCFA), of which CHF 28,600 (18,000,000 FCFA) was financed by ACATS. The remaining amount represents the beneficiaries' contribution in materials and labor. The inauguration took place on July 10, 2015, in the presence of the population, students, authorities and representatives of ACATS, including the Laban family visiting from Switzerland. The atmosphere was very festive and the population is very grateful to the Swiss donors who made this magnificent achievement possible!