This year, ACATS participated in the purchase of educational materials such as maps of Togo, Africa and the world, terrestrial globes and anatomy charts. This material was given to EPP Kpogandzi during the end-of-year results proclamation ceremony. Below is the report of teacher Mr. Ahianogbe on this special day.
Photo: Mr. Togbe (center), local coordinator of ACATS, hands over the material to the directors of EPP Kpogadzi
Good evening Mrs. and Mr. LABAN,
As planned, Mr. TOGBE and I, Ahianogbe, had gone to Lomé to purchase teaching materials. [...] Given the availability on both sides, together with the directors, Mr. Togbe and all the teaching staff decided that the donations would be made on the day the results were announced. This would allow everyone, chiefdom, population and others, to attend this extraordinary ceremony. And since the school had planned to hold an end-of-year meeting with the parents of students on Wednesday, July 16, 2014, we thought it would be a good idea to kill three birds with one stone by bringing the announcement of the end-of-year results to the same day.
During the session, the assembly thought about the future prospects for the normal life of the establishment for the next academic year. Thus, the teaching staff together with the parents of students decided to separate the classrooms from the sheet metal apatames by walls. This will allow to obtain real blackboards on these walls.
The meeting was about to end around 10 am when Togbe Emmanuel arrived with all the materials purchased: world maps, maps of Africa, terrestrial globes, boards, compasses... Thus, at the meeting, the parents of students were informed that there would be a ceremony to hand over donations of educational materials from ACATS, our Swiss friends. As a result, the official handover took place in the presence of a hive of men: the chieftaincy, the supervisory staff, the parents of students, the population...
After the session everyone was moved. Very happy, the entire population sends you their sincere thanks to all the good wills who worked to make this project a reality. We promise to make good use of it for the development of our children.
As stated above, the end-of-year results are acceptable in almost all classes. Because we have one hundred percent (of students promoted) in some classes. The parents were very happy with us for the work done. The results of the CEPD are better compared to last year as well. Which shows that your works are producing good fruits. [...]
Done in Kpalimé on 07/19/2014